This includes complete sets for: Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, 32X, Pico, Saturn, and Dreamcast.
Please enjoy the pics and questions I answered below.
The Set.
Individual Pics
Bonus Pic: My Whole Office
I wanted to answer a few question from various forums I have gotten about my sets.
How long did this take?
I have actually been collecting Genesis and Sega in general for about 9 years (started the blog when I made it my goal to have get all of them), now this is not to say hardcore collecting. I got very fortunate when I first started collecting and picked up a lot of 200 Genny games for about $100. I also live close to a very large game store that has good prices, and I also found a few other great garage sale and craigslist lots. You wont believe it but Id say more than half my Genesis collection was found in wild. I am looking at my database and the number is actually more than 70% for Genesis.
Hey what about Game Gear?
This is console sets only, I don't know if I will do GG or not. Why? I just never really loved portable systems.
What is my Favorite Set?
The Saturn is my fav Sega console and my least fav is the Dreamcast. Don't despair DC lovers, I mean no disrespect. I love RPG's and Adventure games, and I find the DC to be lacking in those. Now if I loved Fighters and SHMUPS the DC would be tops.
What set do I take the most pride in completing?
I have the most pride in completing my Genesis Cardboard Box set becuase without my research and the reseaerch of some friends we wouldn't even know what that set contained. I made a blog all about it. Aside from that I take a good deal of pride in my Sega CD set for similar reasons. The Sega CD lists a few years ago were full of errors, a few of us on Sega Age sat down and figured out what is really in the set, what variants it has, and is hard to find.
What is my Favorite Game?
My favorite game, more like series for any Sega console is Shining Force. True story I played Shining Force 1 for 36 hours straight. My cousins and I rented it from Blockbuster on New Year Eve back in 1993. The problem was the save battery didn't work, which I found out the hard way. I decided I had to beat it, and then stayed up for the next 36 hours, while my family kind of cheered me on. They want as far as to bring me drinks, and my dinner. It was awesome.
Which Set was hardest to complete? many games 700+
What is the rarest / most expensive?
I really hesitate to say game X is rare, and game Y is just uncommon. I also don't like to sling prices around. I can tell you with confidence though that Outback Joey is by far the rarest game.
What's next?
Next up is Nintendo 64, where oddly enough I am 64 games away. I am also about 10 or so PS1 Long Boxes away from a complete set so I'll knock that one out too.
Thank You for reading and sharing my journey.
I have a Facebook Humor Page: Why Is Everybody So Bad At Everything? If you like the little jokes I put in the links, this is of the same ilk.